Adidas // love unites

What started as an internal employee project in 2015 ahead of a PRIDE march, the Love Unites drop went global for the first time in 2021. We wanted to tap into the intensely personal nature of the project – from both its roots in the brand, and the LGBTQIA+ community members and allies we featured.

Leaning into a DIY aesthetic, born from the tradition of the LGBTQ+ communities who have sought to create their own spaces for self-expression, we partnered with illustrator, and community member, Rachelle Baker to create a completely customizable set of illustrations.

Individual lines were written for all 50+ LGBTQIA+ community members and allies that we partnered with, representing their personal stories, and allowing each region and channel to evolve the campaign for maximum impact in their market.

The result was hundreds of unique pieces, bringing together global partners, and deeply personal stories ahead of the pride drop.

Writing to each of our featured partners’ truths, we used the copy for in-store and OOH executions, customizing each piece to the region and audience. And on social, we invited our athletes, creators, and allies to share.

And an extension with MLS had every team united by Pride, and Love Unites.